兩個女仔12月尾去桂林自由行7日,天氣如何?要注意什麼? 我地可能到深圳搭飛機到桂林(好唔好?), 去到先搵酒店得唔得? 睇風景(係咪已經好凍冇野睇)、食野,有什麼地方好介紹?
我地都會12月尾去桂林, 不過我地係去5日. 天氣應該比香港低少少, 有機會可能會見到落雪... 你地去既話要帶多d 唔同既衫去, 因為桂林會暖d, 而龍勝果d又可能會落雪, 所以帶多d 唔同既去.. 我地係買南方航空公司 深圳飛桂林, 因為無論坐車定火車都幾危險, 反正都去玩, 都唔差果少少, 我地買$330一張, 不過我地係早一個月既時候買, 加埋稅 來回都係$880, 都算抵, 因為火車都要$260左右一程 2006-12-11 12:22:28 補充: 酒店可以去到先搵, 因為我驪去過既朋友講有好多小酒店, 都係$50-80一晚... 其實去桂林都係睇風景, 不過一定要去陽塑西街, 好好玩* 2006-12-18 09:15:57 補充: 我地已經plan左行程, 原來都幾多酒店開始full, 你可以上網訂返, 有2間真係幾好: 綠洲酒店, 背包者旅館 如果你真係去, 我可以sd 我地d 行程俾你睇下^^
where to buy the 南方航空公司 ?|||||me too. but i'm from macao. i go with 2 female classmates at 1216 evening by bus at ZhuHai. much different from u... the bus fee is 220 and the airfare ia around 400...that's a double price so i take bus and it needs 15hr to GuiLIn... i picked some inn, very cheap inn which costs only100 for 2 perosn. and i 'm planning to find some travel agency there to help us. see if we can join together and share some room or other,,,?ause i'll spend at least 6 days there. msn me by iamabbg1215@yahoo.com.hk if interested