



{20分} 介紹昂平360 ( 英文)


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圖片參考:http://www.np360.com.hk/html/eng/images/share/spacer.gif 圖片參考:http://www.np360.com.hk/html/eng/images/about/btn_skyrail_overview_off.gif 圖片參考:http://www.np360.com.hk/html/eng/images/about/btn_promo_video_off.gif 圖片參考:http://www.np360.com.hk/html/eng/images/about/btn_history_off.gif 圖片參考:http://www.np360.com.hk/html/eng/images/about/btn_construction_off.gif 圖片參考:http://www.np360.com.hk/html/eng/images/about/btn_skyrailITM_off.gif 圖片參考:http://www.np360.com.hk/html/eng/images/share/spacer.gif 圖片參考:http://www.np360.com.hk/html/eng/images/about/btn_mtrc_off.gif 圖片參考:http://www.np360.com.hk/html/eng/images/about/btn_awards_off.gif 圖片參考:http://www.np360.com.hk/html/eng/images/share/spacer.gif 圖片參考:http://www.np360.com.hk/html/eng/images/about/tit_overview.gif 圖片參考:http://www.np360.com.hk/html/eng/images/share/spacer.gif 圖片參考:http://www.np360.com.hk/html/eng/images/share/spacer.gif 圖片參考:http://www.np360.com.hk/html/eng/images/share/spacer.gif Ngong Ping 360 is destined to be one of Hong Kong's 'must-do' attractions. This dynamic new tourism experience combines a spectacular 5.7km cable car journey with an impressive cultural themed village, and easy access to the Tian Tan Buddha Statue, the world's largest, seated, outdoor, bronze Buddha statue. Ngong Ping Skyrail is a visually spectacular 5.7km cable car journey, travelling between Tung Chung Town Centre and Ngong Ping on Lantau Island. Guests will travel in comfortable 17-person cabins, enjoying panoramic views of the Hong Kong International Airport, South China Sea, the flora and fauna of North Lantau Country Park and the Tian Tan Buddha Statue. Ngong Ping Village, which is adjacent to Ngong Ping Skyrail's Ngong Ping Terminal and the Tian Tan Buddha Statue, occupies a 1.5 hectare site on Lantau Island. Architecturally designed and landscaped to reflect the cultural and spiritual integrity of the Ngong Ping area, the Village incorporates several major attractions, including Walking with Buddha, Monkey's Tale Theatre and the Ngong Ping Tea House, as well as a diverse array of dining, retail and entertainment experiences. Ngong Ping Village is a short stroll to the Tian Tan Buddha Statue, the world's largest, seated, outdoor bronze Big Buddha statue. Weighing over 250 tonnes, the Tian Tan Buddha Statue is 26 metres high and opened in 1993. Tian Tan Buddha Statue is the major centre for Buddhism in Hong Kong and is located next to the Po Lin Monastery. Ngong Ping 360 will provide people of all ages and interests with a truly unique and enlightening experience. For local residents, it is an escape from the hustle and bustle of the everyday, for visitors, even those in transit, this is a 'must do' attraction providing spectacular views and an amazing, enlightening experience. Additional details can be found on our Bookings Page. 昂坪360定必成為你「不能錯過」的香港旅遊景點。 昂坪360是一個充滿動感的旅遊新體驗:當中包括全程5.7公里,景緻秀麗的纜車旅程,接連富中國文化色彩的主題市集;世界最大的戶外青銅坐佛 – 天壇大佛 – 更在市集毗鄰。 昂坪纜車是一個全長5.7公里,景色怡人的纜車旅程,由大嶼山東涌市中心至昂坪,寬闊的車廂可乘載17人,乘客可沿途縱覽香港國際機場、南中國海、天壇大佛及北大嶼山郊野公園的自然美景。 「昂坪市集」鄰近昂坪纜車站及天壇大佛,佔地1.5公頃,其建築及園林設計烘托出昂坪獨特的文化氣息及精神面貌。除卻「與佛同行」、「靈猴影院」及「昂坪茶館」等繽紛的旅遊點外,也附有種類繁多的食肆、購物及娛樂設施。 從「昂坪市集」徒步可達毗鄰的天壇大佛 – 世界最大的戶外青銅坐佛;大佛重超過250噸,高26米,於1993年開光啟用。接連寶蓮襌寺的天壇大佛是香港重要的佛教中心。 昂坪360給予不同年齡及興趣人士一種獨有及啟廸心靈的旅遊體驗;秀逸迷人的景緻使人大開眼界,昂坪360是本地旅遊人士遠離繁囂生活的一個好去處,也是海外遊客或過境旅客一個 "不能錯過" 的旅遊景點。 昂坪360可提供全日套票、個別項目預訂或團體旅遊票,詳情請瀏覽預訂門票。


Ngong Ping 360 is a tourism project in Lantau Island, Hong Kong, China, consists of the Ngong Ping Skyrail cable car system and Ngong Ping Village. It is owned by the MTR Corporation, built and operated by Skyrail-ITM. The project was previously known as Tung Chung Cable Car Project before branded as such in April 2005. Ngong Ping Skyrail is a 5.7km long cable car system linking between Tung Chung (where it connects the MTR Tung Chung station) and Ngong Ping (where the Po Lin Monastery and Tian Tan Buddha are located). Between the two terminals at Tung Chung and Ngong Ping, the cable cars run across the southern shore of the Hong Kong International Airport island and the Nei Lak Shan, with eight towers including the stations. The Skyrail was originally scheduled to open on 24 June 2006. However, due to the incident on June 17, 2006, (see the Incident section for details), Skyrail-ITM announced to postpone the opening day to fix the technical problems. After 2 months of improvement works and repair for the damages made by Typhoon Prapiroon in August 2006, Ngong Ping 360 resumed a trial-run of 7 days from 30 August 2006. It was opened on 18 September 2006. However, there have already been several reports of technical problems, some of them caused by strong winds. The Ngong Ping Village is built next to the Skyrail Ngong Ping Terminal, occupies a 15,000 square metre site and has been designed to mirror and uphold the cultural and spiritual veracity of the Ngong Ping area. Traditional Chinese architectural designs are a feature of the Ngong Ping Village, which contains an assortment of shopping and dining experiences, on top of a number of key attractions counting Walking With Buddha, the Monkey's Tale Theatre and the Ngong Ping Tea House. 昂坪360是香港一條纜車路線,是世界上規模最大的纜車系統,亦是香港繼香港海洋公園後第二個纜車系統,於2006年9月18日正式通車。由地鐵公司管理,連接大嶼山東涌及昂坪。 最初香港地鐵將該纜車系統稱為東涌旅遊吊車,但因國際上同類型系統是稱作索道或纜車(Cable Car),因此地鐵公司改稱作東涌旅遊纜車。現時地鐵把纜車系統命名為昂坪360,此名稱已張貼在自動售票機及路線圖上。名字中的「360」指乘客可在吊車內360度觀賞大嶼山風景。 值得一提的是,由於工程地盤位於郊野公園範圍,根據香港法例,承建商不能利用車輛運載物料進入工地,故工程期間,地鐵有限公司從加拿大僱用六頭騾子協助搬運興建物料,現時其中四頭騾子已完成工作並返回加拿大,兩隻則留在香港的嘉道理農場。另外,關於纜車是否會影響寶蓮寺風水,寶蓮寺明祥法師說沒有,應該可以互相幫助。

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