地鐵:地鐵西移(堅尼地城線及南區線)是急不容緩的。其次地鐵的收費也不合理,建議引入“里程”收費,按站距收費,目前最貴的過海收費是金鐘至尖沙咀,如採用里程計算,市民也會接受。其次,地鐵運行已有一段日子,車卡老化和路軌疲癆陸續出現,維持高水平而安全的行車也是必須解決的。機場鐵路票價降低有助吸引更多人的使用,可以減低目前因票價與機場巴士的差距而少人乘搭的問題。 其他交工具:貨車-葵涌貨柜碼頭收費的解決,減低貨運成本是對香港競爭力的改變,這是經濟問題。小型船隻的夜間響笛問題也應管制,以免擾人清夢!
west moves (the Nepali city and south ) is anxiously does not accommodate . Next receives is unreasonable, constructs the introduction "the course" to receive , receives according to the station distance , at present the sea receives is Jin?zhi the Jianshazui, if calculated with the course, the resident also accepts. Next, the line had section of days, and Lu?Holds the high level but the safe line also is must Xie?. Lu Piao? reduces is helpful to attract the more people's use, may the low item reason ticket bus disparity but the few people ride . Other hand over the tool: - the Kuiyong cabinet receives the solution , the low cost is the Hong Kong strength changes , is . Small ship night of flute also control, in order to avoid the person is clear ! 唔知有冇錯,有話我知
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