From the early 60s to now, the economy of Hong Kong is continuously improved a lot. The following factors are the frame work of the improvement has been made in Hong Kong economy: 1) Physical Capital: Today citizen in Hong Kong are well educated than citizen in early 60s, almost all the Hong Kong teenages/kids can go throw 9 years free education program compare to the early 60s. The well educated citizen therefore can contribute to the labor market in Hong Kong, as the result, the economy improved. 2) Techology: Techology in the world has continuously improved, Hong Kong also can benefit from the improved technology. The improved technology can make things easier to solve, bring us convenience etc. Technology is also a major part that increase the economy in Every Countries, not just in Hong Kong. 3) Financial centre: Hong Kong is a well structured and efficiency financial centre today than early 60s, this improvement cause investors from foreign countires increasue their confidence in investing in Hong Kong stock market or any other kind of investment. This also increase the HK economy a lot. 4)Safty political environment: Hong Kong is under China after 1997, as the improvement of the China in political issue, Hong Kong can benefit as well. Any other factors like a Hong Kong is a good tour place, have a good harbor and locate in a Asia central are also increased the HK economy from the early 60s.