共41張上怪:2E.HERO刀鋒人*1E.HERO黑暗戀屍人*1下怪:15E.HERO閃光人*3E.HERO野蠻人*3E.HERO黏土人*1E.HERO空氣人*1... 顯示更多 共41張 上怪:2 E.HERO刀鋒人*1 E.HERO黑暗戀屍人*1 下怪:15 E.HERO閃光人*3 E.HERO野蠻人*3 E.HERO黏土人*1 E.HERO空氣人*1 E.HERO黃金隊長*1 E.HERO炙熱俠*2 E.HERO海洋俠*1 沼地魔神王*3 魔法:19 E-緊急呼叫*2 摩天樓-Skyscraper-*2 沈睡的綿羊*1 代價落雷*1 強奪*1 融合*3 奇蹟融合*2 團結之力*1 光的護封劍*1 戰士的生還*1 旋風*1 大嵐*1 第五個希望*1 過早埋葬*1 陷阱:5 激流葬*1 僵屍的呼喚聲*1 神聖彗星-反射力量*1 奈落的落穴*1 破壞輪*1 融合怪:11 E.HERO閃光火焰翼人*3 E.HERO閃光鳳凰小子*2 E.HERO雷霆巨人*2 E.HERO野蠻刀鋒人*2 E.HERO 黑暗閃光人*2
先生~你連火焰翼人同鳳凰小子都冇,要閃光做咩 仲有~鳳凰小子只係不死~冇咩用 雨翼人呢d基本怪又冇 都唔係好得喎 我比50/100|||||This is a quite strong and speedy deck, but Non-Fusion E.Hero Monsters are weak, you should add axe of depairX1, 攻撃の無力化X2 and ヒーロー逆襲X2 Your heros can be special summoned by this effect 2007-08-07 11:43:47 補充: Or you can add ヒーロー見参X2 to support ヒーロー逆襲X2 2007-08-07 18:44:36 補充: If you can add one more E-緊急呼叫 instead of adding 增援.The effect is stronger than reinforcement of the army(增援) in E.Hero and support ヒーロー見参(special summon)X2 to support ヒーロー逆襲(destroy monsters)X2 2007-08-07 19:11:46 補充: If skyscraper is not on the field, 黃金隊長 will be destroyed.Although it has high ATK (the person below said), it can be destroyed easily byHeavy Storm ,Mystical Space Typhoon.Personally, more than one 黃金隊長 in your deck is not recommended!!! 2007-08-07 19:13:29 補充: In addition, when your opponent puts another field card, your skyscraper will be destroyed and 黃金隊長 will also be destroyed as a result of chain effect. 2007-08-07 19:16:03 補充: Your Fusion Deck can be used to have the sneak attack to your enemy, although some may be weak, but they have about 2000 ATK on average, that may lead you to victoryor for a tribute summon and ヒーロー逆襲,.