”the lending of a loan” 是否不對?
"the lending of a loan" to company 是否不對? 我覺得應該是 "provision of a loan" 或者 "make a loan" to a company 。 更新: For example, Company A approves the lending of a loan to Company B. I think it is not correct. Should it be "Company A approves the provision of a loan to Company B" something like that. 更新 2: Thank you for 001 and 002's reply. For 002: looks like "granting of a loan" is more appropriate for a bank versus a borrower. But I doubt it for intercompany loan (sorry, I did not specifically mention that this is a deal between group companies). 更新 3: Besides, I've found in some listing documents the using of "provision of loan". I am just not sure "lending" of a loan is correct because the word "loan" has already implied the lending of money and I want to approve the action of "lending money". 更新 4: http://main.ednews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20070704/LTN20070704367.pdf 更新 5: Thanks very much for both of you. 更新 6: Merry Christmas and Good Health!!
Hi, You make a loan to a company.= You are the lender who lends the company some money. The bank makes a loan to your company.= The bank lends your company some money.( The bank is the lender) I am not quite certain which case you are referring to tho. 886 2008-12-18 12:34:01 補充: Company A approves the provision of a loan to Company B
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